Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.
Matthew 28:19-20
One of the best ways to connect, fellowship, and build relationships with people is to serve alongside them. Below, you’ll find a list of opportunities to get involved in serving people within the community and the church.
Do you have a gift that might be useful but aren’t sure where to serve? Complete the Serve Form, select “I’m Not Sure” from the Area of Ministry drop-down box, and send us a comment and we’ll help find the right place for you!
Christian Education Ministry
This ministry aims to promote and maintain programs and activities dedicated to teaching the word of God. Focusing on the love of God and living a Christian life through the study of His word.
The Christain Education Ministry directs:
Sunday School
New Members Orientation
Bible Study
Congregational Care Ministry
This ministry aims to support wellness in the congregation. Focusing on the love of God in caring for one another.
The Congregational Care Ministry directs:
Church Mothers Board
Counseling Services Team
Emergency Relief Team
Operations Ministry
This ministry aims to support the efficient operations of the Congregation. Focusing on the love of God through excellence in serving one another.
The Operational Excellence Ministry directs:
Ushers Board
Kitchen Team
Magnolia Ambassadors Security Team
Grounds and Facilities Committee
Social Justice and Outreach Ministry
This ministry aims to promote and maintain programs and activities dedicated to improving the human condition. Focusing on the love of God manifested as justice in the beloved community.
The Social Justice and Outreach Ministry directs:
Women of Virtue Auxiliary
- Men of Valor Auxiliary
Social Justice Team
Health and Wellness Team
Youth and College Ministry
This ministry aims to promote and maintain programs and activities dedicated to supporting youth development. Focusing on the love of God by creating and holding space for young people to thrive.
The Youth and College Ministry directs:
Youth and College
Youth Group
College Crew
Academic Tutorial Program
Cultural Enrichment Experiences
Vacation Bible Camp
Worship Ministry
This ministry aims to promote and maintain programs and activities that encourage the vitality of worship. Focusing on the love of God through worship services.
The Worship Ministry directs:
Worship Arts
Sanctuary Choir
Praise Team
Media and Technology Team
Program Planning Committee
Stewardship Ministry
This ministry aims to provide good governance of the spiritual and temporal resources of the congregation. Focusing on the love of God through faithful management.
The Stewardship Ministry directs:
Finance Team
Deacons Board